Saturday, July 23

Goodbye University

I wrote this as an emergency backup just in case I was too lazy to say anything before I go off. Not the deepest, funniest or most interesting of posts I'll be the first to admit:

On the honest – I am very glad university has finished. I was feeling the latter stages of claustrophobia and inevitable boredom setting in, for reasons I’m sure I might elaborate on later. Not that I’m ungrateful – I much rather be claustrophobic and bored in Japan than in Brighton.

I'm off on holiday for three to four weeks now doing that ‘love/hate tourist thang’, all around Japan. Maybe it’s because I’m from England which has the public transport infrastructure akin to Hell, but I’m really looking forward to catching a train tomorrow that runs on time. It’s not everyday that you get to ride on Japan’s biggest celebrity. The fact that it’s been dubbed the ‘Bullet Train’ doesn’t exactly turn me off either. Call me sad if you like but… actually, yes just call me sad.

Might be able to post pictures and things here along the way.

Here are some photos from being a tad inebriated last night. Cheap and easy amusement for you and me.

Pablo's Crotch.JPG


Hikari and Me.JPG